On a review and taking into account feedback received from Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and other stakeholders, it has been decided that banks may open current accounts for borrowers who have availed credit facilities in the form of cash credit (CC)/ overdraft (OD) from the banking system as per the provisions below:
For borrowers, where the exposure of the banking system is less than ₹5 crore, there is no restriction on opening of current accounts or on provision of CC/OD facility by banks, subject to obtaining an undertaking from such borrowers that they shall inform the bank(s), as and when the credit facilities availed by them from the banking system reaches ₹5 crore or more.
In respect of borrowers where exposure of the banking system is ₹5 crore or more, such borrower can maintain current accounts with any one of the banks with which it has CC/OD facility, provided that the bank has at least 10 per cent of the exposure of the banking system to that borrower.
Further, other lending banks may open only collection accounts subject to the condition that funds deposited in such collection accounts will be remitted within two working days of receiving such funds, to the CC/OD account maintained with the above-mentioned bank maintaining current accounts for the borrower. In case none of the lenders has at least 10% exposure of the banking system to the borrower, the bank having the highest exposure may open current accounts. Non-lending banks are not permitted to open current accounts.
It is clarified that borrowers not availing CC/OD facility from the banking system shall continue to maintain current accounts.
It is clarified that banks shall monitor all accounts regularly, at least on a half-yearly basis, specifically with respect to the exposure of the banking system to the borrower, and the bank’s share in that exposure, to ensure compliance with these instructions. If there is a change in exposure of banks or aggregate exposure of the banking system to the borrower which warrants implementation of new banking arrangements, such changes shall be implemented within a period of three months from the date of such monitoring.
Reference: RBI/2021-22/116 DOR.CRE.REC.63/21.04.048/2021-22