The key information sources under this information category are as under:
S.No | Information Source | Information Description |
1 | Purchase of bonds or debentures (SFT-007) | Information is reported by reporting entity in the Statement of Financial Transaction (SFT). |
2 | Purchase of shares (SFT-008) | Purchase of shares (including share application money). Information is reported by reporting entity in the Statement of Financial Transaction (SFT). |
3 | Purchase of mutual fund units (SFT-010) | Information is reported by reporting entity (such as mutual fund companies) in the Statement of Financial Transaction (SFT). |
4 | Purchase of securities (SFT-017) | Information is reported by depository in the Statement of Financial Transaction (SFT). |
5 | Purchase of mutual funds (SFT-018) | Information is reported by registrar and transfer agents (RTA) in the Statement of Financial Transaction (SFT). |
6 | Purchase of securities (Form 60/61) | Information pertaining to purchase of securities is reported in Form 61 where PAN is not furnished by the transacting party. PAN is populated based on aadhaar and other attributes of the person. |
7 | Payment to Mutual Fund for purchase of its units (Form 60/61) | Information pertaining to Payment to Mutual Fund for purchase of its units is reported in Form 61 where PAN is notfurnishedbythetransactingparty.PANispopulatedbasedonaadhaarandotherattributesoftheperson. |
8 | Payment for acquiring shares (Form 60/61) | Information pertaining to Payment for acquiring shares is reported in Form 61 where PAN is not furnished by the transacting party. PAN is populated based on aadhaar and other attributes of the person. |
9 | Payment for acquiring debentures or bonds(Form 60/61) | Information pertaining to Payment for acquiring debentures or bonds is reported in Form 61 where PAN is not furnished by the transacting party. PAN is populated based on aadhaar and other attributes of the person. |
10 | Purchase of shares of company (Form60/61) | Information pertaining to Purchase of shares of company is reported in Form 61 where PAN is not furnished by the transacting party. PAN is populated based on aadhaar and other attributes of the person. |
The approach for AIS processing and information handling is as under
Information relating to purchase of mutual funds (SFT-010) is reported by AMC (Reporting Entity) through form 61A. Information relating to purchase of mutual funds (SFT-018) is reported by Mutual Fund Registrar and Transfer Agents (RTAs).
Information reported under both the above sources contain duplicate values hence de-duplication filtering has been applied in such a way that only exclusive information is being displayed i.e.no duplicate information is present in AIS. In other words if an information exists in both the sources,information with higher value only is being displayed and information with lower value is being filtered and not being displayed in AIS.
The AIS information level feedback can be used for providing following inputs:
Information is correct
Information is not fully correct: This functionality can be used to modify details of product
Information relates to other PAN/Year
Information is duplicate / included in other information
Information is denied
The feedback provided by taxpayer will be shown separately in AIS and will update the value in Taxpayer Information Summary (TIS).